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Kingdom Come: Deliverance [PC, PS4, One]

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Seit mindestens Anfang 2012 werkelt nun die tschechische Spieleschmiede Warhorse Studios an ihrem Erstlingswerk, welches nun näher vorgestellt wurde. Einige Screenshots wurden ebenfalls veröffentlicht. Das Action-Adventure hört auf den Namen Kingdom Come: Deliverance und wird im Spätmittelalter angesiedelt sein. Ort des Geschehens ist das Heilige Römische Reich, welches ihr dank einer nichtlinearen Erzählweise frei erkunden dürft. Die Entwickler verzichten dabei bewusst auf Magie oder Fantasy-Elemente. Stattdessen will man die Vergangenheit möglichst realistisch darstellen. Dazu kämpft ihr zu Fuss mit dem Schwert in der Hand, nehmt an Belagerungen teil oder zieht auf einem Pferd in die Schlacht. Eine grösstmögliche Freiheit bezüglich der Charakterentwicklung sowie eine mit zahlreichen Konsequenzen gespickte, lebendige Welt sollen für viel Abwechslung sorgen.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance, welches auf der Cry-Engine 3 basieren wird, soll für den PC und für nicht näher genannte Konsolen erscheinen. Vermutlich dürfte die Veröffentlichung jedoch ebenfalls auf der PlayStation 4 sowie auf der Xbox One erfolgen. Als Veröffentlichungstermin peilt der Entwickler aktuell das Jahr 2015 an.












Bin ich mal gespannt ^_^ - dauert allerdings noch :notsureifgusta:


Edit: Hier gibt's erstes bewegtes Ingame-Material:



Edited by radiant
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Neuer Trailer:




Phuu, wenn die liefern, was sie versprechen, dann wird dat ein Dingen du!


Ausserdem sind sie jetzt bei Kickstartet :notsureif::


After seeing our trailer, you might ask: “why are we here? This is a big, expensive game that’s sure to cost a lot of money, right? Does no major publisher want it? This sounds suspicious.” The answer to those questions might surprise you.


Warhorse is a comparatively small studio. We now have about thirty people, and it took us more than eighteen months to develop what you've just seen. All this time, we’ve been funded by a private investor, to the tune of almost 1.5 million dollars in total. We hope the product you’ve seen reflects that.


Our plan was to develop a prototype, pitch it to publishers, and finish development with the subsequent money. We tried to do it that way (and you can read about our experiences on our blog), but in essence, even though everybody we met commended our work, praised our game’s visuals, and believed in our ability to deliver, negotiations would inevitably hit a dead end at the point where the publishers' marketing departments got involved. Why?


"Your game is too niche. There’s no magic. People want wizards and dragons."


We beg to differ. The response from players has always been great. We think gamers like history – look at the success of Total War, Assassin's Creed, Mount and Blade, and Red Dead Redemption. There is no medieval first-person RPG out there, but it does not necessarily follow that nobody wants one - only that there is no easy box for marketing to pigeonhole it in.


Our investor is strong and capable of funding the complete development of our project. But he does not follow the game industry very closely, and needs proof that publishers and marketers are wrong about our game - that you are indeed interested in a mature, medieval RPG that emphasizes freedom and authenticity. And so we stand, as a studio, at a crossroads. Either those naysayers are right, and there truly is no desire for the game we are making, or we are right. Either way, we think Kickstarter is a great way to find out.


The sum we are asking for is about ten percent of our total budget; for our investor, however, it is proof that there is real demand for the game, and that there is a point to keeping it funded. Every extra dollar will allow us to make the final product that much better because it means more money for development and more support from our investor.


Should our Kickstarter campaign fail, it will mean that we were wrong, that there is no interest to play a game with the atmosphere of Braveheart, and that we will have to start considering working on some mobile MMO, because that's where the money is these days (or so everybody tells us). We are, however, positive that our instincts are right.

So help us to make our vision a reality. Help us to make not the 176th free-to-play mobile RPG MMO Elven village-builder with DIAMONDS™, but to make the kind of unique, engaging experience we think you’d like to play

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Dungens & no dragons ^^


Grafikdemos sind immer was schönes. Ich bezweifle bei unserem Zeitgeist jedoch stark, dass schnell mal Kickstartergames denen der etablierten Schmieden das Wasser reichen.


Lesen Bulletteli ;)


Es ist kein Kickstarter-Game - die haben bereits einen Investor, der 3 Millionen vorstreckt, aber der Investor will sehen, dass da effektiv Bedarf bei den Spielern besteht. Deshalb die Kickstarter-Kampagne. Die ist "nur dazu da", um aufzuzeigen, dass "wir" das Spiel wollen... das Fantasy-Setting wollen. Ein spielbares Braveheart wollen. Und eine Grafikdemo ist das gezeigte ja offenbar nicht - wenn man dem Video Glauben schenken will.


Und die Macher sind ja auch nicht irgendwer (wenn auch noch eher klein):

As a studio, Warhorse may be new to this industry, but the people behind it are not. Our team has worked on games like Mafia, Mafia 2, ArmA, Operation Flashpoint, Crysis 3, and Forza Horizon, to name a few. Most of us have worked together in the past, so we know each other well. As of now, we have about thirty people on staff, which is, of course, not enough to make the kind of large RPG we have in mind in any timely fashion. Ideally, we’d like to grow our studio to about 75 people for a project of this nature.

Most of us have experience working on open world games (Mafia, Flashpoint), so we’re already quite familiar with the typical challenges, roadblocks, and potential pitfalls that come with their development. We want to avoid the common mistakes that can bog down a project of this nature, and that starts with having a clear vision, detailed design, mature technology, efficient internal processes, and an experienced team.

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