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Survival Horror für PS4 und PC.

Entwickler: Zombie Studios

Publisher: Atlus

Release: Q1 2014


983 – Present Day


Daylight’s main character, Sarah Gwynn wakes up in the lobby of Mid Island Bay Hospital, but we don’t know a lot about the history of Mid Island. Prior to present day, the last major interaction with Mid Island was nearly 30 years ago. In the early 80s, Mid Island Bay Hospital was a major interest to the G&C Investments Corp, who had designs on renovating the old hospital and turning it into a high-end hospice catering to the wealthy.


After spending a lot of money with the officials from the township of New Kipling, which claims Mid Island as its own, G&C was in the final stages of completing its due diligence to take control of the island and its property. They sent a team of contractors and experts to do on-site research, but after a short time G&C abruptly cancels the deal and leaves New Kipling altogether. Curious, the township sends in a team to follow up on G&Cs research, discovering, amongst other things, an abandoned excavation site with 12 grave-sized holes dug in the ground.




Mid Island Bay Hospital rots away in obscurity, left as a decrepit relic on the forgotten island. The doctors, nurses, patients, orderlies, and rest of the staff appear to have just left everything and disappeared one afternoon in the late 1940s. Furniture, files, and records were left with no hesitation, leaving a full shell of a hospital to age.




In the late 30s, a tourist steamboat caught fire and capsized off the coast of New Kipling, drowning more than 1000 passengers. The bodies of the victims washed up on the shores of Mid Island, and the hospital was quickly converted into a makeshift morgue to handle all the corpses. The remaining survivors of the shipwreck were treated at MIBH, but with limited resources and growing costs, the MIBH was unable to recover from the specter of a tragedy of that magnitude. The hospital closed its doors abruptly one day in 1948.


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Daylight to Launch on PS4 & PC on April 8

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Vielleicht ist das was für diejenigen, die von Amnesia und Outlast nicht genug bekommen können :ugly:



btw, dafuq :ugly:

PS4 Multimedia Integration


This is a very cool feature that we're super stoked about. It's no secret that Daylight is extremely friendly for the PS4's "Share" button (ditto, PC streaming). The tinkerers at Zombie Studios found a way to use Twitch chat to cue in-game events. The example we've been tossing around (and is in no way final) is that someone watching a stream types the word "Meow" into the chat, which causes the game to make a corresponding sound of a cat. So yes. You can literally scare your friends now by watching them stream. There are two caveats to this:


1. They're all on timers, so you can't spam them. That would be ridiculous.

2. We're not going to tell you the full list of words. You're going to have to find them through experimentation.

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