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Update zu den amerikanischen Retail Verkäufen der SWTOR-Preorder:


413'543 (+29'256 zur Vorwoche)


Nach wie vor eine Stolze Zahl dafür das die digitalen und EU Verkäufe hier nicht mit einberechnet sind.


Wie Chris Collins übrigens gestern noch mitteilte hören wir heute wie es um die EU-Betainvites steht:


Given that today is Labo(u)r Day in the US, it's probably safe to say we should have more information on the status of the invites tomorrow. I wouldn't hold your breath for anything going out today.


Da in Austin noch 02:00 nachts ist müssen wir wohl noch einige Stunden ausharren...


Und grad hab ich noch was in den offiziellen Foren entdeckt, ein Feature das einfach nur :sabber: ist


In Warfronts wird es Anführer der Teams geben! Dieser wird durch den Spieler mit dem höchsten PvP-Rang ermittelt. Dieser kann auch Raid-Symbole, die ebenfalls eingeführt wurden, auf Spieler setzen und auf diesem Wege Anweisungen geben.
bearbeitet von Fleus
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Ist doch in der Regel so: Die meisten Spieler sind total "overhyped" und jammern dann eh rum. Sry, da für habe ich leider schon genug gesehen und erlebt. Solche "effektive" Zahlen sollen sie nach 6-12 Monaten veröffentlichen (nicht nur nach aktivierten Accounts, sondern nach effektiven Spielern).


die ebenfalls eingeführt wurden, auf Spieler setzen und auf diesem Wege Anweisungen geben.


*sehr ironischer Blick* Wie viele Spieler werden in Random Grp auf diesen hören? *abwink*

bearbeitet von -Spooky-
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Ist doch in der Regel so: Die meisten Spieler sind total "overhyped" und jammern dann eh rum. Sry, da für habe ich leider schon genug gesehen und erlebt. Solche "effektive" Zahlen sollen sie nach 6-12 Monaten veröffentlichen (nicht nur nach aktivierten Accounts, sondern nach effektiven Spielern).


*sehr ironischer Blick* Wie viele Spieler werden in Random Grp auf diesen hören? *abwink*


Sowie man zu viel hypen kann, so kann man auch zu viel im Vornhinein niedermachen....


Anders als in WoW wo man z.B. durch last hits in BGs belohnt wird, so erhält man hier Belohnungen für Teamplay Erfolge - auch in Random Gruppen. Also darf man dem Feature durchaus eine Chance geben.


Ahja btw





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Hier noch ein Bericht eines Weekend-Testers:


Hello everyone i had the amazing chance to be part of the first batch of beta weekend tester and I just wanted to give everyone my feedback.


First of all there's a lot of threads on the test forum about the fact that the game is a bit linear and pretty much a theme park where you move from one quest to the other and never get to explore.


I must say that is true until you get your spaceship... most of the testers crying about that issue are people that stopped playing before even hitting level 15.


For my part I played a Trooper(Commando DPS) up to lvl 28. I picked trooper because i didn't want to spoil the empire story line for when the game release. I had not real attraction toward trooper but i must say it was an amazing class.


So lets start with the class itself ( not gonna spoil story or anything)



The trooper class is really solid the story line is really nice and make you want to keep progressing sometime I even wished I could do only the class quest and no side quest just to see what will happen in my story line.


The abilities are a lot of fun but I felt like they needed some tweaking ... most AOE ability were actualy doing more damage than my single target ability on one mob. nothing that cant be fixed. i must say sticky grenade is just plain fun ! i kept using it over and over again. the only bad part bout the grenade was actualy that if the mob die it wont blow up ... most of the time the mobs were dying too fast.



Ord Mantell

First planet for the trooper


The planet is very linear and if you dont follow the roads you might miss quests.


As a starter planet I was surprised at how big it is. if you dont forget to bind your Quick Travel (Heartstone) in every village you cross you wont have probleme with the running and stuff.


Amazing planet overall really good story and also a really good tutorial planet



I was a bit disapointed with coruscant (dont get me wrong the planet look awesome) but i was expecting to actualy go down using elevators to the the depth to fight thugs but instead you take the speeders from the dock or from the senate for like 2 seconds get past a couple buildings and there you go you are now into street full of thugs dealing spice.


The whole planet feel really small and packed when i was expecting something a lot bigger.


The Senate looks really amazing.



I was shocked about Taris. I knew the Imps destroyed Taris in Kotor yet I was not expecting it to be plain wilderness and green goo.


I was expecting to go back into buildings in construction and stuff but there was none of that.


The zone was WAY too big and made me run way too much.


To me is was the most boring planet I have faced during the tests.


Nar Shadaa

To me its the most beautiful and fun planet I got to see.


Quests were fun


The planet is exactly what you would expect from a casino world ... corruption, drug dealing thug and hutt cartel.


And of course ... Twilek holo dancers.



I have not seen a lot of Tatoine unfortunately they stress tested the server when i got there and i started lagging like crazy.


Anchorhead is pretty big and got a couple quest in the town itself.




Very usefull to solo elite guys or bosses


Unfortunately there is still a couple pathing bug and often my companions were getting stuck.


I was scared about the fact that all companions look the same but it really wasnt a big deal also my companion used the skin of every armor I equiped him so after a couple piece of gear my companion was pretty unique.



Nothing to say about that really but ... FAWKING GOOD JOB


Everything looked really good I played with top graphics and had no FPS issue


During the beta most of the bugs I reported were actualy missing skins on mobs or armor piece (funny fack my trooper companion was runnign around with a HUGE pink helm and pink pants) ... pink being the no template skin it didnt look really deadly.


I have read that some people were experiencing really low FPS but then I read on the forum that there was a bug for people using ATI video cards / drivers



The dialog wheel bring a lot to the game even more fun in party.


Voice over is really nice too even tho sometimes I was hoping to get the option to turn voice over off and get text instead so that i could turn in/ accept side quest faster and get back into action so i just keept spamming space bars while solo playing to skip it all.



Blues drop like candys and i even got multiple epics


The diff between green --> blues -- > Epic was really minor so while leveling i didnt bother buying anything with creds and jsut user my quest rewards / drops


The one thing that really fucked with me was that most of the Epic i got were worst than the blues i was getting form the same mobs... i know i could jsut put better upgrades into them but i would expect an Epic to always be better than a blue of the same lvl.



Just plain Amazing.


I was also impressed with the server considering it didnt crash or lag on day 1. It looked like there was ~1500 player logged in at all time.on day 2 we got some MAJOR lag issue but from what i could read on the forum it was actualy bioware stress testing the server so we had to endure about 3 hours of lag spike (from 60ms to 40k ms)


Was about to forget they seriously need to add the posibility to pick a flight path 2 node away from where you are because at some point i had to click on the nearest node ... fly there, land , load the npc around and then click again on the flight path npc then click another sone ... and i had to fly to 4 zone like that jsut to get to my quest.


Finally even if the review looked a bit negative I need to say the Game is pretty strong its jsut easier to criticize than talk about the nice thing ;). The game needs a bit of polishing stil but its pretty close to being released. I have seen games release in a state far from being as complete as swtor beta.


Thank you for your time.


Quelle: http://www.betacake.net/2011/09/star-wars-old-republic-exclusive-first.html

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Update zur EU-Beta... wieder verschoben..............


As promised, we have an update on the batch of Game Testing invites being sent to players in the EU.


After a lengthy discussion here at the BioWare offices, the decision has been made to postpone the proposed Game Testing invites for EU players for a number of reasons.


Firstly, there’s a new build of the game on the horizon. This is a major build, meaning there will be character wipes and a new client to download. As you may be aware, the current client download is around 27GB in size. If we were to invite players en masse today, those players would have to download the entirety of the client to access the game. There’s every chance that later this week, the service will go offline and this new version will be rolled out, meaning everyone currently in Testing will have to not only download the entire client again (another 27GB download), but will also have their characters erased and have to start afresh. This is a relatively large amount to download in such a short space of time and not an experience we want new testers to be exposed to.


Secondly, this new build will bring about the first localised versions of Star Wars: The Old Republic, which means those of you that speak French and German will have the chance to play the game in those languages, for the first time ever. We’re extremely excited to be able to offer this to our players and as such, we’re keen to get a lot of feedback from European testers in particular.


For those of you that may have missed the messages we put out on the subject already, last week saw a number of issues arise with key systems that prevented us from sending out invites to EU players. Had everything gone to plan, we would have been able to offer two weeks of testing time to new users. However, given the issues that arose, this was physically not possible.


So while we understand that this news may not be what a lot of you wanted to hear today, we hope that you’ll understand our position. Given the news of this new build, it’s now more important than ever that we invite European players into the Game Testing environments, so you have my word that this batch of invites will happen, it may just mean you just have to wait a little longer.


It’s also important to remember this is just the beginning. In the future, we’ll be inviting more and more testers to the EU Game Testing environments as well as future Game Testing weekends. So even if you’re not invited to this next round of testing, there will still be plenty of chances to get involved.


As ever, as soon as I get any firm news around the matter, I’ll make sure to update everyone.


Quelle: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8885761#edit8885761


Jetzt darf man mich offiziell auslachen das ich den Client, der ersetzt wird, schon heruntergeladen habe :coolface:

bearbeitet von Fleus
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ich habs ja auch ernst gemeint. hab im gleichen zeitraum auch prüfungen... so ein monsterspiel ist schlicht nicht mit studium vereinbar :lamy:


wie siehts jetzt eigentlich mit der europäischen beta aus ???


Mir gehts gleich... hab noch bis ende Januar Prüfungen :scaredyao:


Zur EU-Beta gibts noch keine konkrete Informationen. Aber ich glaube es kann damit gerechnet werden dass es nächste oder übernächste Woche mit den US-Betaweekends weitergehen wird. Zeitgleich damit werden wohl auch die ersten permanenten EU-Beta einladungen und später die EU-Betaweekend Einladungen raus gehen. Aber das ist alles reine Spekulation da der neue Client noch getestet wird seit anfangs letzter Woche...

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Das mit Games und Prüfungen ist ne furchtbare Sache. Outcast, KOTOR und Half-Life 2 waren epische Momente meiner Vergangenheit, als ich tagsüber büffelte, nachts spielte und am nächsten morgen erstmal einen Liter Kaffe brauchte um überhaupt zu checken in welcher Welt ich gerade bin. Das waren richtige Kriege gegen die Einsicht und irgendwie gings trotzdem immer gut :ugly: Zum Glück habe ich es hinter mir :rolleyes:

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