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Gran Turismo Sport [PS4, VR]

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Huge strides have also been made in landscape expressions. See each and every leaf on a tree as it sways in the wind. Weather, time and the age of the tree are considered when reproducing it in the game, right down to its bark.


- Vorahnungen vermutlich bestätigt, dass wohl wieder auf alles Drumherum geschaut wird und die Grafik passen muss

- LG Forum, Soul Reavers Kommentar gelesen

- zu Minute 52.xx gezappt, wow 16 Fahrer und und UND es hört sich immer noch so beschissen wie GT1 an.

- Dafür kann man Autos bemalen und in allen erdenklichen Posen fotografieren.


Nun ja, man hat es ja irgendwie erwartet und ja, es ist noch nicht final, aber es sollte doch die Fans irgendwie ANMACHEN! Mir löschts ab.

Ich werds mir als GT-Fan erster Stunde mit Blick auf die Kompletheit der Sammlung trotzdem mal zulegen, irgendwann einlegen, mich aufregen das da Wheel nicht kompatibel ist und mit dem vermaledeiten Pad meine Ohren mit diesem "StaubsaugerQuietsch-Remix 1 Stunde quälen und das Game ins Archiv stellen.

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Jup, sehe ich genau so. Polyphony hat versprochen, die Motorengeräusche zu überarbeiten - trotzdem klingt das immer noch so unnatürlich und künstlich wie eh und je. Und gerade was die Umgebungsoptik (Stichwort Pappbäume :scaredyao:) angeht, müssen die Hardcore-Fans wohl Tomaten auf den Augen haben. Das Game sieht im Photomode unglaublich gut aus - das eigentliche Gameplay aber hebt eher die Autos (optisch) hervor. Das karge Drumherum ist so eklatant auffällig, dass es auch mir gleich wieder ablöscht. Aber ja, letztlich Gameplay > all. Hoffentlich wird's einfach nicht wieder so ein Flickwerk wie damals Teil 5. Und bitte liebe Entwickler behebt bis zum Release zumindest schon mal den Leaderboard-Fehler :ugly:...


Wurde eigentlich mal was zu einem eventuellen Schadensmodell gesagt?

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Wurde eigentlich mal was zu einem eventuellen Schadensmodell gesagt?


S C H A D E N S M O D E L L ?




Skip mal zum Brands Hatch Event bei 1:36,x hör dir das Gequatsche dieser zwei massiv geschmierten Hohlköpfe an.

Die hypen die unsägliche Action, man könnte meinen die seien einer Zeitkapsel direkt von damals....




...heute Nacht in der Gegenwart entstiegen.


Dann geniesse ab 1:38.0 das physikalisch, visuell als auch akustisch in absolut einmaliger Art und Weise umgesetzte Schadensmodell von GT Sports.

Das bläst einem fast weg.......... und die Kommentatoren kommen auch nicht über ein "Ohhhhhh Uhhhhhh " hinweg. Ob vor Begeisterung oder Schmerz vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen.


Da bleibt einem nur noch die Reissleine "Oerlike Schwammedinge!"

bearbeitet von mono
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Ja? Und weshalb?


Der MP war nebst den altbekannten Schwächen schon immer ein Minuspunkt bei GT. Sei es was die Existenz selber betraf, die Anzahl Fahrer, die mitunter seltsamen Strafsysteme (gut gemeint, katastrophal umgesetzt), die Stabilität (x Disconnects), Wartezeiten (mitunter wartete man Minuten) und vor allem der Netcode. An letzterem hat sich ja offensichtlich nicht viel geändert. Im stream zappeln die Wagen ja zum Teil nur so rum, ein präzises Door to Door ist unmöglich.

Ich mein aus Sicht von PD würd ich ja an diesem gross angekündigten Präsentations-Stream einfach einen Riesenbums raushauen. Zur Not würd ich sogar bescheissen um all die Kinnladen gen Boden rasen zu lassen. Punkt.


Ich bin ja der Erste der sich auf ein schönes GT freuen würde aber PD ist einfach zu 100% lernresistent. Es gibt neben Schickimickibrunz NULL Verbeserungen. Kritik die seit Dekaden angebracht wird, wird konsequent ignoriert. Das Physikmodel sieht wieder sehr seltsam aus, die Kollisionen auch und erst der Sound!!!! Meine Fresse, das ist sooo schlecht, soviel Drogen kann man nicht nehmen um sich das schön zu hören. Das Rad der Autorennen ist erfunden, weshalb nimmt man nicht von allen Produkten das Beste?

Warum muss jedes Eichenblatt in 23 Varianten modeliert, animiert und im mutmasslichen Kontext zur Temperatur in Szene gesetzt werden. Wahrscheinlich werden auch noch die Blattläuse darauf simuliert. Wahrscheinlich widmet man der Botanik mehr Aufmerksamkeit als den Wagen.

Wahrscheinlich absorbiert die Entwicklung des Fotomoduses mehr als 60% der Ressourcen. Wahrscheinlich gibts wieder ein Trackeditor.

Und was soll dieses Geschwaffel von virtuellen FIA-Lizenzen?


Ich verstehs nicht. Die Verpackung soll wieder edel sein, ales das was man nicht braucht kriegt man, was man will, wird verweigert oder für 2026 in Aussicht gestellt.


Nein Freude kommt da nicht auf, man lernt ja in 10 Jahren dazu und glaubt an alles..... nur nicht an Versprechen von PD, egal on Inhalt, Form oder Termin betreffend. Ich mach mich auf den allergrössten Renntechnischen Rohrkrepierer den die Welt seit sie rund ist gesehen hat gefasst..... und wenn irgend etwas wider erwarten besser ist........ freu ich mich.

bearbeitet von mono
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Wahrscheinlich ja eben nicht :ugly:


Siehst du.... nicht einmal das.....wobei man jetzt zugegebenermassen anmerken muss, dass genau solche Sünden bis Herbst 20xx (den angeblich ist man ja bei 50%, aber die Arbeiten schreiten zügig voran) noch ausgemerzt werden können.


Aber in einer Präsentation hat so etwas natürlich nix verloren.

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Gran Turismo Sport beta cancelled so that game could release in 2016


When Sony first unveiled Gran Turismo Sportback in October last year, it promised to release a beta in early 2016.

Now that we’re approaching the end of May, many fans guessed the beta has probably been pushed. During last night’s release dateand info blowout, Sony did not bring up the subject. That’s because the beta has been cancelled.

Creative director Kazunori Yamauchi told Videogamer that making a beta would have resulted in a delay of final version.




Wie der Producer und Serienschöpfer Kazunori Yamauchi bestätigt hat, wird "Gran Turismo Sport" ein Schadenssystem bieten, auf das er aber noch nicht näher eingegangen ist. Während des gestrigen Demo-Events war dieses Feature zwar deaktiviert, doch intern funktioniert das Schadenssystem schon, so Kazunori Yamauchi. Darüber hinaus werden in "Gran Turismo Sport" verschiedene Wetterbedingungen verfügbar sein. Ein dynamisches Wettersystem ist jedoch nicht geplant. Man wird die Einstellungen vor einem Rennen vornehmen können.

Polyphony Digital strebt für das fertige Spiel zudem 1080p und 60 Bilder pro Sekunde an. Momentan gibt es noch Gebiete, in denen es Framerate-Drops gibt, aber die Entwickler wollen den Racer weiter optimieren, damit konstante 60 FPS erreicht werden. "Gran Turismo Sport" wird am 16. November 2016 für die PlayStation 4 erscheinen.


Wie wird wohl das Schadensmodell aussehen, wenn es zur Zeit noch physikalisch so lächerlich aussieht wenn man gegen eine Bande fährt. Wird wohl wieder einfach nur auf Kratzer rauslaufen :ming:

bearbeitet von -SouL ReaveR-
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Einer von GT Planet hat noch seine Eindrücke geposted:




Okay so about the game, like most I was definitely skeptical after that /stream/ yesterday.


Anyways the menus are so nice and polished, you can use the analog stick to actually freely browse like a mouse and the load times are next to non-existant. Even loading up the game, although on a cut-down copy I know, was almost instant, I wish I joking.


The car selection screen is a huge improvement, nice mix between function and form. Not too sure what the steering assist does since I never selected it. Menu music is awesome btw.


First thing you (sometimes) notice when the race starts loading is some engine noises as they go by on the race start screen, those sounds are much improved. Once again the race start menu is so clean.


The HUD is GREAT, looks fresh but very GT and is useful, map in the middle was a smart move. Super minimalistic but helpful.


Right from the "START" you can tell the physics have been tweaked for the better, also probably helped by the fact I don't use an FFB wheel often (funding issues :rolleyes:) but it just felt so much more alive! Each car felt different, when you hop in the MX5 you can feel that nimbleness but if you push too far you go sideways, the Golf was big and sturdy but cornered less generously, the RS 01 was a fiend off the line and at low revs on cold tires, but careful driving made you feel so rewarded by its performance. You really have to put in work in this game, I had a smile on my face even when I spun out.


(leaving out sounds since we've touched upon that many a time here, me included, and I'm tired lol)


Gripes right now would really only be a lack of damage, but Kaz answered that question in the most hilarious way that also confirmed it. Next gripe I saw was some weird aliasing and some strange graphical flashing in places, like on fences and edges of vehicles. Though from what I saw those famous jaggies seem to be mostly gone? Not sure about that one. Final gripe was a weird bug that happened when moving back and forth through menus too fast but that's clearly a beta thing so whatever.


Final impressions are this is a game for those who love the racing and the thrill, it was genuinely so fun and I've been missing that for a while. Though I love car collection this is still a day one for me.


Last thing; towards the end of the event I spent a good 45 minutes, if not more, sitting in a rig with the headphones on just playing the game. So chill and so fun, can't even explain to you guys. I only used three cars and two tracks in that whole time at the end (I used more earlier though) and there were at least 15 cars to choose from, I didn't feel like I had no choice at all. My friend who wanted to go home before the Kaz presentation (not letting that happen :cool:) spent around 30 odd minutes practising on Brands Hatch with just the RS 01.The 137 car thing is nothing to worry about when you start playing, seriously. I wasn't even looking at the time and I was so engrossed that I didn't realise it was time to go until someone came around and told us to have a final race.


I want to go back :banghead:


Die Menü-Designs:






Some other impressions:


"... the physics behind car and track are powerfully realistic. Developers worked on a new suspension model and refined the aerodynamic model to boot. The result, at least in our ten minutes at the helm, is remarkably true to life; satisfying to get right, and sometimes quite frustrating during the hard bits."


"I also noticed a slightly more gritty engine sound than what I have heard in previous builds. A Sony representative confirmed that several of the cars were equipped with updated audio."


"Once the races started, though, it was immediately clear that there have been significant changes to the artificial intelligence of the other drivers, as confirmed by U.S. Gran Turismo producer Taku Imasaki."


"This gave the racing a different and more challenging feel. I felt like I would need to push and drive defensively if I wanted to get ahead and win."


"Polyphony Digital are notoriously anal-retentive about these things, so it is no surprise that the engines sound beautiful (and different, depending on the car) and the tracks look more beautiful than ever."


"All of that, of course, is pointless if it doesn’t drive well, but this is Gran Turismo, so no worries, it drives like a dream.


"Front-wheel-drive cars drive differently than rear-wheel drive, 4WD have better handling but are heavier, turbos perform differently than naturally aspirated engines, etc. Gran Turismo has always done this stuff well, so this is not a surprise. But everything is just that much better. The blades of grass are more subtle, the reflection of the car in front of you is a little more clear."


Gerade was die Engine Sounds betrifft bleibe ich aber wirklich noch skeptisch:







Und noch einer von GT Planet mit Eindrücken:


Played various combinations, I'll list all the ones I can remember below;


MX-5 at Brands Indy (controller)

Golf GTI at the 'Ring

Renault Sport GT3 at Willow

F-Type GT3 at Willow

MX-5 Gr N200 at Tokyo

Alpine VGT at Brands

MX-5 at the 'Ring (on CM tyres with all assists off - great fun!)




Used 50/50 Intermediate/Professional, the former were pretty easy to beat, rather like the GT6 AI. The latter however were significantly faster, and pretty hard to beat, you would easily end up well down the pack after one 'off' and struggle to make it back up the field. In terms of intelligence I noticed a few incidences of them making their own mistakes, plus they seemed to follow the racing line less religiously than I remember from previous games. I still had a few cases of blindly being punted off by a car that had not realised that I was there though.




The Cars were stunning, honestly the best models I have seen in any current gen racer. Yes a couple (SLS GT3) had some small tessellation issues around the arches in certain scenes but on the whole I was seriously impressed. I did not expect such a large leap in quality from PS3-4. As for tracks, Brands, Willow and Tokyo looked like fair improvement to GT6, although some lighting a scenery tweaking is needed for them to really look complete. The 'Ring was more of a mixture, there are some proper ruts in the grass now which looks great, but something about the rest of the grass didn't look quite 'right'. I also suffered some frame rate drops and flickering of the scenery which was quite noticeable.




Seem like a fair improvement on what was already a good base. The cars seemed to move around more naturally in response to acceleration or cornering which was good to see. The collision physics were bad considering the type of game although Kaz did mention that they plan to implement a damage model in the Q+A. Driving the MX-5 with all assists off was excellent fun, I did not expect a 130bhp car to be as enjoyable as that was which is promising for the game as it means the lower powered cars can be properly enjoyed. The racing MX-5 behaved unusually on the Tokyo track, and I found myself sliding around like the people in the stream, could be a bug on just an unusual set up on the car. Braking and Steering assist are now an option (so you presumably literally have to mash the throttle in order to go round a track, trying to add appeal to a casual audience?).




Experienced a few knackered pairs of headphones so can't be 100% certain with my points. On the whole they seemed like a fair improvement. Best comparison I can do is for the Golf GTI, since my old man has an 'R' of the same generation and I would say the sound is very close to how the real car sounds when its cabin resonator/speaker thing is switched off. The MX-5 sounded reasonably sporty, and the difference in volume from bumper/cockpit view and chase cam seemed more apparent than in previous games. The F-Type sounded very good too. The tyre squeal is a bit overpowering although it is not as bad in practice than it is in the videos shown on here.


Finally, whilst I was somewhat cynical at first, now I have seen and tried out the game I firmly believe that the whole 'E-Sports' idea behind the game could be a really successful one. Competed in one of the network races on the main stage with a variety of people, and it was a very fun experience, even if I did get pushed wide on the last corner of Willow and lose 5 places...


Manchmal frage ich mich aber schon, ob auch die GTP-User gewisse Autos schon im Rennbetrieb erlebt haben... die klingen alles andere als wie ein Staubsauger :ugly: - von Driveclub kann man als Sim-Fan ja halten was man will - aber die Karren hatten einen Mördersound.... da kommt mir natürlich auch wieder der Aston von Project Cars in den Sinn :mushy:..

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Bei Eurogamer gibt's nen längeren Artikel über GT Sport :cookie:




The madness of Gran Turismo Sport

Yamauchi's plan to revive motorsport comes to life - but can it save his series from itself?


You can accuse Yamauchi and the team he looks over at Polyphony of many things. Of being out of touch with the driving game as it is today. Of a work-rate that will have seen Turn 10 deliver two fully-featured Forza Motorsport games on the Xbox One by the time Gran Turismo Sport comes out on PlayStation 4 at the end of this year (and despite a softening of the message around the game and a generosity of content within, it's still highly likely this remains a prelude to a Gran Turismo 7 proper).


The bubble that Polyphony Digital operates only appears to have hardened in recent years, and by most modern standards Gran Turismo Sport falls short. There's not the splendour and polish of Turn 10's Forza Motorsport 6, the finesse and thoughtfulness found in Kunos Simulazioni's Assetto Corsa or the bark of Sector 3's Race Room Experience. It's not an ugly game - far from it - though it's not quite the generational leap you might have hoped for from a first-party developer of Polyphony's heritage and calibre.

The visuals lack polish, and are given to some noticeable stutters when the current cap of 20 cars are all jostling on track, and the sound, while an improvement upon what's gone before, still falls flat when compared to its peers. There's no bite that accompanies each gearshift, no mechanical wheeze of drivetrain underpinning it all, the hollow exhaust note and piercing tire squeal that accompanies most cars giving Gran Turismo Sport a sterile feel.


Still, at least the cars feel more alive, each one displaying a level of personality that's unmatched on console (at least, that is, until Assetto Corsa arrives later this year).


Don't expect an all-encompassing campaign in Gran Turismo Sport - a single-player offering's there, but it looks for the most part like a primer for the online racing.

The old magic is certainly still there. For all our concerns, there's something thrilling about taking a stock Golf GTI around the new Tokyo street circuit and hooning it to within an inch of its life, pushing its front end to extremes to break traction and then enjoying the flail of arms required to bring it all back into control. Gran Turismo's new focus might see it move away from the old pleasure of doing extraordinary things to ordinary cars, but that side of the series is still there if you want it.


There are better driving games out there - ones that look prettier, that sound better and that offer more by way of action. Gran Turismo is no longer the definitive driving simulator, and nor in this Sport incarnation is it the expansive automotive almanac of old. In its seniority its become something of an anomaly, an often maddening folly that shouldn't really be possible in this day and age. It might be as frustrating as it is fascinating, but perhaps we should be grateful such lunacy still exists.
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Offensichtlich kann man auch nur durch Online-Rennen Credits verdienen.... hab das aber noch nicht zu 100% verifiziert.

So oder so hält sich meine Vorfreude in Grenzen. Weshalb auch, gibt ja genug Rennspiele.


Assetto Corsa ist für dich vermutlich ein alter (oder ebenfalls nicht akzeptabler) Hut, aber zumindest erscheint im August endlich die PS4-Version. Freue mich mittlerweile mehr auf AC als auf GT (Sport) :ugly:... Bin gespannt, ob GT 7 noch zu Zeiten einer regulären PS4(K)-Ära erscheinen wird oder sich der Release mit einer möglichen PS5 überschneidet. Wird jedenfalls - vermutlich - noch Ewigkeiten dauern.

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