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Hitman 2 (2018)

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Könnte nicht glücklicher sein und dann kommt das schon im November :happytears:


Ich bin gespannt ob sie die Hitman als Plattform Idee nun auch wirklich umsetzen werden. Der Reboot war aber einfach so verdammt gut, eines der besten Spiele die ich in dieser Konsolengeneration spielen durfte.

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Welcome to Santa Fortuna – New Hitman 2 Trailer Dives into the Deadly Jungle of Colombia

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and IO Interactive today released the Hitman 2 Colombia Trailer, providing a closer look at the recently revealed, dark and dangerous jungle environment coming to Hitman 2. The video showcases Santa Fortuna’s exotic, hyper-detailed setting, featuring lush vegetation, unexpected hazards and unique kill opportunities for players to contend with. Located in the heart of a Colombian rainforest, Santa Fortuna poses a new threat for Agent 47 as he must work his way through the native village, intricate caves and ruins, cartel run coca fields and an intensely fortified mansion with armed guards around every corner.

Hitman 2 is the follow-up to the internationally acclaimed video game, Hitman. Featuring entirely new hyper-detailed sandbox locations full of living, breathing environments to explore, HITMAN 2 offers players the freedom to plan the ultimate assassination utilizing an assortment of tools, weapons, disguises and a variety of stealth techniques to creatively trigger their own unique chain of events.

Hitman 2 introduces new ways to play with Sniper Assassin mode, a standalone feature that brings a co-op experience to the Hitman series for the first time, allowing two players to work together online to take down their targets. Sniper Assassin is available to play now as an early access bonus for consumers who pre-order the Hitman 2. Players can also enter the Hitman: Sniper Assassin Competition and put their marksman skills to the ultimate test for a chance to win the grand prize of getting their name and likeness included in future Hitman 2 content. For more information, visit: hitman.com/competition.

Hitman 2 will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, the Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X and PC beginning 13th November 2018. To learn more about the Hitman 2, please visit hitman.com.


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Hitman 2 kriegt einen richtigen Multiplayer-Modus. Im 1vs1 "Ghost Mode" versucht man, als Erster 5 saubere Kills hinzukriegen. Das klingt lustig! :circle: 





Ghost Mode is a brand new game mode for HITMAN 2 that introduces competitive multiplayer for the first time ever in the franchise! It’s a 1v1 online mode that will put all of your assassination skills to the test as you compete against your opponent to eliminate targets quickly and cleanly to take the win.


Ghost Mode challenges you to earn 5 points before your opponent by eliminating targets. To earn a point, the kill must be unnoticed and the body cannot be found for a short time afterwards. You’ll also lose a point for eliminating non-targets, so be smart and precise. Once one target has been eliminated, both players will begun the hunt again with a new target. To help you in your mission, you can pick up items, disguises and weapons from Ghost Crates. The items in each one are randomised but they are the same for you and your opponent. You can only take one item from each Ghost Crate and doing so removes that item as a choice for your opponent.


The unique twist with Ghost Mode is that each player is in their own ‘reality’, where your actions only affect your reality – but you’ll always be able to see a ‘Ghost’ version of your opponent. You’ll see exactly what they’re doing, what they’re wearing and any items they’re holding. One key strategic element in Ghost Mode is the use of Ghost Items, as these are the only way to impact your opponents reality. For example, throwing a Ghost Coin will attract attention in your reality, but will also do so in your opponents reality.


You’ll get Picture-in-pictures updates along the way and an announcer will keep you informed about key elements in the match. In the screenshot below, you can see that Player 2 has eliminated their target and Player 1 now has 20 seconds to equalize the score and earn a point. After those 20 seconds, a new target will be selected. Player 1 would be advised not to panic, because if a player is killed at anytime, they will be spawned back into the location but will retain their disguise and combat status. No points are lost upon death.


Ghost Mode is a brand new game mode that we’re excited to hear your feedback on. When we launch HITMAN 2 next month(!), Ghost Mode will be available on Miami and we’ll be adding more locations shortly after launch, including World of Assassination locations through the Legacy Pack. We’ll also be working to improve Ghost Mode post-launch with updates and tweaks.


That’s our part of kick-starting this discussion and we hand it over to you to tell us what you think. Find us on Twitter or we’ll be reading in the Forum and on Reddit.




Hier ein Match von Giant Bomb:



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Ich habs mir natürlich geholt und nun auch bereits 4 Stunden gespielt. Habe mir vorgenommen es wie den Vorgänger zu spielen, erst Location wechseln wenn die Location Mastery auf 20 ist :circle:


Miami habe ich jetzt drei Mal gemacht und bin auf Level 12. Tolles Level, mir gefällt wie gross und geschäftig alles ist. Die Mischung aus Autorennen und Techshow macht auch für ein gutes Ambiente. Die vorgängige Tutorial-Mission war ebenfalls cool, auch der Versuch etwas mehr Story in ne Mission einfliessen zu lassen gefällt!


Insgesamt ist es aber natürlich einfach viel mehr Hitman, nichts bahnbrechend neues, einfach neue Level in der bekannten Engine. Also eigentlich genau das was ich wollte! Auch toll wie die Levels aus dem Erstling integriert wurden, sämtliche Szenarien wurden nun in Hitman 2 zusammengetragen, was es dann doch ziemlich zu einer definitiven Version macht :happy:

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Oh mein Gott, es ist ein Traum :mushy:


Die Detailverbesserungen, dass man sich im Gebüsch und in grösseren Menschenmengen verstecken kann, die feine Überarbeitung der Steuerung und die leichten Grafikupdates macht das Spiel ein wahrer Schmaus. Und das beste, man kann die alten Maps in der neuen Engine spielen, sprich, alle Verbesserungen sind auch auf die alten Levels anwendbar. Manche der Season 1 Maps laufen bei mir ausserdem deutlich besser als noch vorher.

Auch, endlich wieder Briefcases, ich bin so glücklich! :happytears:


Die neuen Maps sind alle absolut Granate, vollgespickt mit Details und Wegen an seine Ziele zu kommen. Ich glaub Miami und Willow Creek ist was vom besten was sie jemals gemacht haben.

Ich wage zu behaupten Hitman Season 2 hat Blood Money in Sachen bestes Hitman hiermit endgültig abgelöst.












Streng dich etwas an Raphi



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