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Batman: Arkham Knight (Multi)

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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Announces Batman: Arkham Knight


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Batman: Arkham Knight, Rocksteady Studios’ conclusion to the series of award-winning, best-selling titles Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. Batman: Arkham Knight is based on DC Comics’ core Batman license and will be available exclusively for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC. The game is scheduled for release worldwide in 2014.


In the explosive finale to the Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Batman: Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's uniquely designed version of the Batmobile, which is drivable for the first time in the franchise. The addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Batman Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City.


“Batman: Arkham Knight is the pinnacle game of our hugely successful franchise, and we are giving players the most expansive, impressive title in the series,” said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “The Rocksteady Studios team is continuing to focus on the excellent gameplay for which they are known while delivering a thrilling new experience for gamers and Batman fans.”


“The team at Rocksteady Studios is putting a tremendous amount of work into delivering the final chapter of our Batman: Arkham trilogy so that fans can feel what it’s like to be the Batman,” said Sefton Hill, Game Director at Rocksteady Studios. “We’re excited to be developing the game for next-gen platforms, which has allowed us to bring to life the design elements that we envisioned from the beginning such as the Batmobile and how it augments Batman’s abilities, to the fully detailed and realized Gotham City.”







Mal gespannt, was da Rocksteady abliefert. Ich hab Arkham Asylum sowie auch Arkham City geliebt und gerne gespielt. Origins müsste ich mir mal noch holen...

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Ich mochte bisher jeden Arkham Teil. Origins war einfach nur mehr vom bisher bekannten und dabei der klar schwächste Teil, was aber nicht gleichbedeutend mit einem schlechten Spiel ist. Es hatte nämlich auch so seine richtig guten Momente.


Mein Highlight der Serie bisher ist ganz klar City ...


Freu mich auf die Next Gen Variante und vor allem darauf wie Sie das Batmobil einbinden ...


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Mein "Hype" beginnt wohl erst, wenn ich ein optisch bombastisches Arkham mit Gameplay-Sequenzen sehe,... :ugly:


Dito. Bin aber schon gespannt wie es wird, wenn es jetzt ja exklusiv für die neuen Konsolen und PC erscheint und somit keine Limitationen der alten gen zu befürchten sind...

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Wie schon gesagt, Rocksteady ftw! Aaaaber...


Auch Origins sah in den Gameplay-Videos geil aus, und die Story barg viel Potenzial. Leider fühlte es sich im Endeffekt nicht so rund an, wie die Ableger von Rocksteady. Balance, Gegner, Pacing, Liebe zum Detail, Spielgefühl... Das sind alles Dinge, die in Origins massiv schlechter waren als in Asylum/City. Ebenfalls sind das Dinge, die man erst nach 2-3 Stunden im Spiel einschätzen kann.


Bei allem Vertrauen an die Entwickler - Origins dämpft meinen Hype ungemein.



Man habe eine Vision für das Spiel gehabt und um diese zu realisieren werde man alle Kräfte benötigen, so Rocksteady-Mitbegründer Sefton Hill. Das Team habe keine Zeit für einen Mehrspieler-Modus und wolle sich auf das bestmögliche Einzelspieler-Erlebnis konzentrieren. Man denke nicht, dass Batman: Arkham Knight Multiplayer benötigt - und Warner Bros. habe dies von Anfang an unterstützt. An anderer Stelle heißt es außerdem, das Spiel werde vorerst der letzte Batman-Titel für Rocksteady. Danach wolle das Studio etwas völlig Neues machen.


Edited by Doendoe
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Mittlerweile sind weitere Details zu Batman: Arkham Knight an die Öffentlichkeit durchgesickert. Die englischsprachige Webseite videogamer.com berichtet Bezug nehmend auf einen Artikel in der neuesten Game-Informer-Ausgabe etwa von der Größe der Spielwelt. Die soll hinsichtlich ihres reinen Umfangs etwa fünf Mal so groß sein wie die von Batman: Arkham City .


Allerdings geht es dem Entwicklerteam eigenen Angaben zufolge nicht nur um die schiere Fläche, sondern vielmehr um den Detailreichtum. Man wolle versuchen, das größte Open-World-Spiel aller Zeiten zu erschaffen, so Game-Director Sefton Hill. Zudem ist geplant, die Anzahl der Gegner in der Welt um das Drei- bis Vierfache zu erhöhen. Gleichzeitig soll es aber auch mehr Platz zwischen den einzelnen Gebäuden geben.

Ebenfalls aus einem Videogamer-Bericht geht hervor, dass Rocksteady Games in Batman: Arkham Knight auf einen Mehrspieler-Modus verzichten wird. Man habe den kompletten Fokus bei der Entwicklung des Spiels von Anfang an auf die Einzelspieler-Erfahrung gelegt, so Hill. Für einen Mehrspieler-Part bleibe einfach keine Zeit, wenn man das bestmögliche Singleplayer-Gameplay erschaffen wolle.


Im »Vorgänger« Batman: Arkham Origins gab es übrigens noch einen Mehrspieler-Modus. Der wurde jedoch nicht vom damals zuständigen Hauptentwickler Warner Bros. Games Montreal sondern von Splash Damage, den Machern von Brink und Enemy Territory , entwickelt.

Zu guter Letzt bestätigte das Entwicklerteam bei Rocksteady Games dann gegenüber Game Informer noch einmal, dass es definitiv keine Version von Batman: Arkham Knight für die Xbox 360 und die PlayStation 3 geben wird.


quelle: gamestar.de

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Mehr von Eurogamer:



The aim when making the Batmobile for Arkham Knight was "to make the best car in any game ever", Sefton Hill, game director at developer Rocksteady, told GameInformer magazine.


The car alone takes 160MB memory, or thereabouts, art director David Hego added. "It will fit just about in an Xbox 360 if [that was the whole] game. It's very next-gen."


It's the only vehicle Batman will use in Arkham Knight but it's as integral to the experience as Batman's cape. Burnouts, jumps, boosts, circle rotation - the Batmobile can do it all. Its bulletproof armour even lets it smash through barricades, trees and, swoon, building corners.



"Basically ... nothing stops the Batmobile," said Sefton Hill. "It's pretty much an unstoppable force."


The car can be summoned to Batman quickly at a button press, and he can eject out at high-speed, zooming up into a glide while the car brings itself to a halt. Quickly in, quickly out.


"When you think Batman, you do think Batmobile," added Hill. "It's the one key thing that we've really felt that we always wanted to do."

No multiplayer


Arkham Knight won't have any multiplayer. "This is a single-player game," stated Hill. "There is no multiplayer.


"We don't have the time to do multiplayer. We want to focus on making the best single-player experience we can. We don't feel that it needs a multiplayer element. Warner Bros. backed that up right at the start."

Actor Kevin Conroy returns


Kevin Conroy - for many people, the voice of Batman - returns for Arkham Knight, after being replaced in Batman: Arkham Origins (not made by Rocksteady) by Roger Craig Smith.


Actor Nolan North will play Penguin, Wally Wingert will play Riddler, Tara Strong Charley will play Harley Quinn and Troy Baker will play Two-Face.

A new arch-villain


A completely new villain, built from scratch by DC and Rocksteady, will hound Batman in Arkham Knight - hence the ominous name.


He (presumably a he) looks similar to Batman, judging by his silhouette, although he's missing a cape.


"We wanted to introduce someone who could really challenge Batman, to go head-to-head with him in lots of different ways," said Sefton Hill. "... this guy is definitely a formidable foe for Batman."


PlayStation 4 and Xbox One


"It's not a challenge moving to next-gen: the real challenge is making sure you're getting the best out of the machines," said Hill.


"Obviously you see a lot of games that are cross-gen and they feel a bit reined in because of that.


"Because we were able to make that decision quite early, we were able to be more ambitious with the design and make a real, genuine next-gen game."


"We were able to be more ambitious with the design and make a real, genuine next-gen game"


Hence the new open world of Gotham City, which will be split into three islands. It's five-times the size of Arkham City, apparently.

"We're not trying to create the biggest open-world game ever," Hill added. "We are trying to create a really rich, vibrant, dense open-world."


Characters in Arkham Knight are much more detailed, flexing textures and polygon counts three-to-four times higher than in Arkham City. "One character is as big as the polygon count of Arkham City - the whole environment," said lead character artist Albert Feliu.


Arkham Knight has three-to-four times the number of thugs active than in Arkham City, too, and crowds can number up to 50 people.


Apex cloth physics has been integrated for Batman's cape, among other things. He'll have a new suit, incidentally, with new toys and abilities, but won't access it until a little way into the game.


The other big improvement to Arkham Knight is no loading screens. "There is no feeling between outside and inside now," said Hill. "It's just one continuous experience."




Batman moves around the world more quickly. He can dive off buildings, plummet at terrifying speeds and then stiffen his cape and glide, using his grapple gun to swing around the city (or a zipwire as a make-shift perch).


Before he even gets to the floor he can take out multiple foes, firing Batarangs and landing with a kick. He can disarm enemies, turning their weapons against them, and smash heads and bodies into environmental hazards.


Throw-counters open enemies to even more damage, and Batman can perform quick ground strikes mid combat flow.


On top of that are fear take-downs that slow time, giving you a chance to quickly hide again.


In other words, Batman's more powerful than ever, although Rocksteady has been careful not to "overcomplicate" the signature combat of the series - "[its] strength is in its simplicity".



Arkham Knight takes place a year after Arkham City. Crime is low (after that thing that happened), but criminals are working together now rather than warring.


The Scarecrow has found a new strain of fear toxin and has planted bombs containing it around the city. People are evacuated and Batman is sent in.


Arkham Knight will bring an end to Rocksteady's terrific Batman adventure, for now, and Sefton Hill wants to "close the trilogy with a bang".

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Kevin Conroy - for many people, the voice of Batman - returns for Arkham Knight, after being replaced in Batman: Arkham Origins (not made by Rocksteady) by Roger Craig Smith.




Er ist einfach DIE Stimme für Batman.


Danke Rocksteady... Ich finds immer wieder gut, wie darauf hingewiesen wird, dass Origins nicht von ihnen ist :coolface:

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Find den Trailer irgendwie ziemlich unspektakulär. :nixweiss:


Macht einfach extrem auf Nolan - mit der Musik und dem Look der Karre. :ugly:


Ich hoffe sie kriegen dieses Mal ein gescheites Ende hin. Der letzte Boss in Asylum war einfach inakzeptabel und City war viel zu überladen und keiner der Villains hatte auch nur im Entferntesten Tiefgang. Sonst sind's halt schon super Spiele. Origins habe ich immer noch nicht angefangen...

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Arkham Origins fand ich super, im Moment bin ich noch an Arkham City, welches noch besser ist (hauptsächlich wegen Luke Skywalker :mushy:) und Arkham Asylum kommt noch. Freue mich extrem auf diesen Titel aber why oh why brachten sie nicht mal the Red Hood als villain?




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