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Bloodborne by From Software (PS4)

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In Bloodborne, the combat is based on intense life-threatening battles. One of the ways we are bringing that sense of danger to life is by keeping the deep strategic elements from Demon’s Souls, while also transitioning from the passive and block-and-attack style of Demon’s Souls to a quicker, more offensive and active combat style with close-range weapons and guns.
Edited by BrawleR
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Demo is 30 mins long

Bloodborne is more aggressive than Demon's Souls

The city is called 'Biarnhem' ?

City is very densely layered. 'More complex than Thief'

Combat is much more aggressive

They dual wielded in the demo: Firearm and what they call a 'Sawcleaver' one in each hand.

Firearms are a close-range weapon, to stun enemies, create counter-attack opportunities.

Sawcleaver was transformable, and many weapons will be.

'You cannot play this the same way as Demon's Souls' - Have to be more aggressive

Targetting the same level of difficulty as Demon's Souls.





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also das setting sieht ja mal abartig geil aus... aber ich denke mal, das wird wieder bockschwer, kein anwählbarer schwierigkeitsgrad haben und somit nix für mich casual-gamer. schade :sad:


wohl eher nix für leute mit der selbstkontrolle eines 12 jährigen die ihre disc zertrümmern sonald sie paar mal scheitern :coolface:

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Infos vom Blog:


Bloodborne Coming Exclusively to PS4 in 2015


Hello, PlayStation fans. This is Masaaki Yamagiwa from Japan Studio.


I am here to talk about a new Action RPG, Bloodborne, which will launch early 2015 exclusively for the PlayStation 4 console. Bloodborne is a new collaboration for us, being developed by FromSoftware and produced by SCE Japan Studio. This game will transport players to a dark and terror-filled gothic world, a world full of deranged beings and nightmarish creatures.


Bloodborne takes place in an ancient, forgotten city called Yharnam, known for an old medical remedy. Over the years, many hopeless and afflicted people have made long pilgrimages to Yharnam in search of help. As the main character, you are one of these travelers. However, you find that Yharnam is also cursed with a horrible endemic illness. You must navigate the perilous streets of this city, fighting off nightmarish creatures, malformed beasts and deranged mobs stricken with this horrific illness. Face your fears as you discover the secrets and mysteries of this dark and horrific world where danger, death and madness lurk around every corner.


In Bloodborne, the combat is based on intense life-threatening battles. One of the ways we are bringing that sense of danger to life is by keeping the deep strategic elements from Demon’s Souls, while also transitioning from the passive and block-and-attack style of Demon’s Souls to a quicker, more offensive and active combat style with close-range weapons and guns.


From the beautiful and melancholic architecture to the debris lining the street, Bloodborne will deliver an extremely rich and detailed world, all thanks to the power of the PlayStation 4 system. In addition, the PS4 system has allowed us to have an expanded draw distance, so we can show more of the world at any one time. New lighting effects allow us to add more atmosphere and tension to the game, making the horrifyingly detailed beasts and giant boss enemies you’ll be facing even more frightening.


I hope to be able to share more about our online features later this year, but I can say that we are developing new kinds of online experiences that allow users to share their adventures. We also look forward to giving fans new ways of playing and sharing thanks via the PS4 system’s Share capabilities.


Special message from Director Hidetaka Miyazaki


“Creating Bloodborne as a completely new game on the new PlayStation 4 hardware has allowed us to really push the envelope in myriad ways. That being said, in more ways than one, it also very much retains our distinct, signature style. As has been at the core of our development philosophy since Demon’s Souls, we make true games for people who love games. Please watch for more to come on Bloodborne, and thank you very much for your support.”



HQ-Trailer Download

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No, Bloodborne will not leave Sony systems and is not coming to a Sony system other than the PS4 in the near future.


Yes, it is an action RPG and not a pure action game.


No, there is no fixed protagonist, male or female. You can create and customize your character like in previous games.


Yes, there are other weapons besides the cleave-saw and the shotgun. In fact, marketing mentioned guns and cleave-saws plural.


No, this is not Devil May Cry or a button masher. The gameplay is likened to Souls without a shield or magic and with guns that stagger foes.


Yes, this is an interconnected world and there is no hub.



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" is not coming to a Sony system other than the PS4 in the near future."


-> in the near Future? Not Coming heisst etwas anderes als not coming in the near future :ugly:....


Aber kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es auf etwas anderem als einem Sony-System laufen wird, wenn Sonys Japan Studio daran beteiligt ist.... vielleicht mal nen PS-Vita-Port oder so :ugly:?

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" is not coming to a Sony system other than the PS4 in the near future."


-> in the near Future? Not Coming heisst etwas anderes als not coming in the near future :ugly:....


Aber kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es auf etwas anderem als einem Sony-System laufen wird, wenn Sonys Japan Studio daran beteiligt ist.... vielleicht mal nen PS-Vita-Port oder so :ugly:?


No, Bloodborne will not leave Sony systems



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