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Bloodborne by From Software (PS4)

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Miyazaki claimed that Bloodborne would have a different multiplayer (regarding Souls games) and some aspects about this section were leaked some days ago by a Pastebin source, the same one that leaked the game months ago. Moreover, this whistleblower shared some details about the Bloodborne’s Alpha. I take on that’s not the best reliable source in the world, but this user deserves some credit after his first discovery.


Take all this info with a grain of salt.

Online Multiplayer:


Players will have choice to make early on in the game, their decision will effect multiplayer.


Decision to infect blood with to different strain of the sickness. There are rewards for choices but also downsides.


Miyazaki-san wants players to feel the fear of having a disease that could consume them, and take their life. This is a ‘hardcore’ mode for NG like a ‘permadeath’. Players must to collect blood for their Heart. If they loose Heart strength for too long, the sickness consumes them.


Players must collect Blood Vials and Blood Packs to transfuse their heart health at their Shrine.


The sickness transforms dead hunters into their worst fear.


In NG, you may become a boss later in the game if you collect enough blood to strengthen you heart.


You can summon friends via PS4 friendslist.


You can no longer use consumable item for healing if you summon friend for boss battle.


Convenant System:


In some covenant, the sickness is very strong and player can choose to ‘consume’ his own heart. This is a permanent choice and binds a character to the covenant permanently. You become beast, and new controls and attacks open up. Dead hunters will bind to the world when they die, their bodies becoming a regular ‘mini beast’ boss enemy within the world like Red Phantom from dark souls.


Covenant system is not finalized, but some detail I remember. There will be ‘huge beasts’ in the game. If you defeat them you have a choice to become a host for their strain of the sickness at your Shrine. You must invade other player worlds to collect blood for your beast.


In NG, The Beast heart will gets stronger from blood and other players will have to fight much harder to kill it. One beast is a giant spider, another is a giant snake.

Bloodborne Alpha:


ALPHA will be a co-op boss battle, and some simple PVP invasion covenant testing.



Read more at: http://www.vgleaks.com/bloodborne-alpha-and-multiplayer-details-leaked




Quelle: http://www.vgleaks.com/bloodborne-alpha-and-multiplayer-details-leaked

bearbeitet von DeftOne
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Sony: "Wäre Bloodborne schwerer als Demon's Souls, wäre es unspielbar"


30.09.14 - Sony und From Software achten beim Schwierigkeitsgrad des Action RPGs Bloodborne genau darauf, dass er nicht zu hoch angesetzt wird. Das sagte Sony-Produzent Masaaki Yamagiwa in der neuesten Ausgabe der EDGE.


"Demon's Souls (PS3) war ein Spiel, das extrem herausfordernd war. Wir haben das natürlich für Bloodborne beibehalten. Aber wenn wir den Schwierigkeitsgrad im Vergleich zu Demon's Souls zu sehr hochschrauben, dann wird es unspielbar", sagt Yamagiwa.




Man bleibt der Linie also weiterhin treu :).

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Checkt mal eure Mail falls ihr euch für die Alpha angemeldet habt!


Hab die Mail auch bekommen - aber wenn man sich bei PlayStation Beta anmeldet, kommt nur ne 404-Fehlermeldung :okay:


Edit: Rofl... wenn man sich erneut einloggt, klappt's :ugly:


Edit 2:


Welcome to the Bloodborne™ Alpha Test!




Und schon morgen geht's los :sabber:

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hat schon was.

bei dark souls 2 wäre es mir im nachhinein auch lieber gewesen,

hätte ich die beta nie gezockt.


wie sind die zeiten dieses mal?

darf man wieder sonntags um 6.00 in der früh für 2 stunden zocken?! :ugly:


nee dieses mal ist's humaner.


am 1., 3. und 6. oktober jeweils von 18 - 21 uhr.

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