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Ghost Of Tsushima [PS4]

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Publisher: Sony

Entwickler: Sucker Punch

Spieler: 1

Genre: Action-Adventure

System: PlayStation 4

Release: 26.06.2020




Become The Ghost


The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan—until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But honorable tactics won’t lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting—the way of the Ghost—as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan.


Jin must set aside his samurai traditions and become the Ghost

In the late 13th century, the Mongol empire has laid waste to entire nations along their campaign to conquer the East. Tsushima Island is all that stands between mainland Japan and a massive Mongol invasion fleet led by the ruthless and cunning general, Khotun Khan. As the island burns in the wake of the first wave of the Mongol assault, samurai warrior Jin Sakai stands as one of the last surviving members of his clan. He is resolved do whatever it takes, at any cost, to protect his people and reclaim his home. He must set aside the traditions that have shaped him as a warrior to forge a new path, the path of the Ghost, and wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Tsushima. 


In War-Torn Tsushima, Ancient Beauty Endures

Venture beyond the battlefield to experience feudal Japan like never before. In this open-world action adventure, you’ll roam vast countrysides and expansive terrain to encounter rich characters, discover ancient landmarks, and uncover the hidden beauty of Tsushima. Explore meticulously-crafted regions showcasing diversity of life on the sprawling island—from billowing fields and tranquil shrines to ancient forests, villages and stark mountainscapes. Find peace in the quiet moments of natural harmony and solace in the moments you’ll share with the people you help along the way.



Jin was raised and trained in the ways of the samurai. When the Mongols handily defeat the samurai forces, Jin’s world is shattered. He is faced with the most difficult decision of his life: honor the tradition and customs of his samurai upbringing and maintain a fight he cannot win, or deviate from his samurai path to protect the island and its people by any means necessary. In his quest to reclaim Tsushima, Jin must seek the guidance and support of old friends and new unlikely allies. He must break away from tradition, become a new kind of warrior, and protect what’s left of his home at all costs.



The Mongol enemy is unpredictable and formidable in warfare and weaponry. Get the upper hand by adapting Jin’s skills and learning new tactics to defend the island and protect the people of Tsushima. Challenge opponents head-on in close quarters with your katana for a unique immersive samurai combat experience. Master the bow to eliminate distant threats with lethal precision. Develop stealth and deception tactics to disorient and ambush enemies with surprise attacks. An adaptive landscape and organic approach to combat makes Tsushima the perfect playground for mixing and matching skills, weapons, and tactics to find the perfect combat blend for your play style. As Jin’s story unfolds, versatility and creativity will become your greatest weapons.






Ghost of Tsushima Launches on PS4 Summer 2020

I am so excited to announce that Ghost of Tsushima is coming Summer 2020!

I joined Sucker Punch as the new communications manager back in March (nice to meet you all!) and I’ve spent my entire time at the studio so far dying for the opportunity to show off more of the game. Today it’s my pleasure to finally do exactly that. I know it’s been a long wait for everyone looking forward to playing, so I want to start by thanking you for your patience. This is a big game for our studio (like…really big) and we’re taking our time to get it right.

Today, we debuted a brand-new trailer that delves deeper into the identity our hero is forced to adopt in order to save his home: The Ghost. While Jin starts our game as a samurai, he’ll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like, and you can get a small taste in the footage we revealed today. In the months ahead, we’ll share more about Jin, the threats he faces, the allies that help him along his journey, and what he’ll have to give up to become this new kind of warrior.

As I mentioned, Ghost of Tsushima is huge – the biggest game Sucker Punch has ever made by a wide margin. Our trailer includes some quick glimpses of the vibrant, diverse open world you’ll get to explore, but we’ve barely scratched the surface.

I’m also happy to reveal our box art today, featuring Jin in his Ghost armor as a growing storm looms behind him. You can also get a peek at some of the gear and upgrades Jin will acquire throughout his journey, which we’ll share many more details about next year.

Beyond our new trailer and box art today, we also have some brand-new Ghost of Tsushima merchandise to reveal. At the PlayStation Gear store, you’ll find the first of many new pieces of merch that we’ll have as we get closer to launch.

It is so exciting that Ghost of Tsushima will be in your hands next year, and there is still plenty more to share! You can get the latest info by finding your way to Sucker Punch’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts, or on Ghost of Tsushima’s official site.

Andrew Goldfarb - Communications Manager, Sucker Punch Productions





Fick die Henne sieht das gut aus :sabber:

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Es sieht wirklich abartig super aus! Day 1 schon gut möglich.


Möchte zwar noch ein bisschen mehr sehen, aber da müsste schon was grausiges zum Vorschein kommen, dass ich mir es nicht gebe. 


Ich mein, schon nur das Setting, die bisherigen Infos..., dieser Trailer -> :sabber: 

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Bin auch sehr gespannt, warte aber noch Reviews ab. Sucker Punch hat in letzter Zeit kein Spiel entwickelt, dass man zwingend Day 1 brauchte. Die Infamous-Reihe war soweit gut, aber keines davon wirklich herausragend. Zudem hat das Gameplay nach Sekiro etwas zu beweisen. Mal schauen. Ich werde es aus nächster Nähe beobachten, aber stecke nicht allzu grosse Hoffnungen rein.

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"diverse open world you’ll get to explore"


Oh je... :ming: 

Bei solchen Aussagen bin ich grundsätzlich schon mal sehr skeptisch. Nicht umsonst haben mich die meisten Open-World Spiele der letzten 10 Jahre einfach nur gelangweilt.

Mal schauen wie das Kampfsystem ausfallen wird. Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass es mit dem intensiven und spannungsgeladenen Schwertkampf eines Sekiro nicht im geringsten mithalten können wird. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hoffe das Gameplay passt und es wird nicht Sony´s Ryse Son of Rome .... sah damals auch großartig aus in den Trailern auf der Xbox One...


Recht naheliegen @ gameplay das es an der Infamous Reihe anküpft aber lassen wir uns überraschen, ausschauen tut es tatsächlich super!

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37 minutes ago, Hlaine said:

Recht naheliegen @ gameplay das es an der Infamous Reihe anküpft aber lassen wir uns überraschen, ausschauen tut es tatsächlich super!


Finde nicht, dass das jetzt unbedingt an Infamous anknüpfen muss, nur weil Sucker Punch dahintersteckt :cookie: (und aus irgend einem Grund dachte ich, dass Guerilla Games hinter Ghost of Tsushima steckt :lol: ). Glaube wird näher an Sekiro sein.

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27 minutes ago, TheDarkness said:

Irgendwie glaube ich das nicht das es in Juni kommt :ugly:

schon möglich dass es verschoben wird, aber das Game ist schon lange genug bekannt, dass es dennoch rechtzeitig kommt. Und Juni ist schon relativ nah, sprich ich vermute dass sie so lange damit gewartet haben, bis sie sich relativ sicher waren. Aber eben, Verschiebungen können immer passieren.

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