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vor 1 Minute schrieb Doendoe:

Hm, ja.. anspruchsvoll wird es schon, aber ich habe es nicht so schlimm in Erinnerung. Ich mochte das Spiel ungemein, fände aber eine Umsetzung für die Switch interessanter.

Wenn du wieder in den späteren Leveln ankommst, wirst du sehr schnell merken, was ich meine. :ugly:


Gab ja damals im Forum einige, die den PS3-Release gezockt haben und soweit ich mich noch erinnere waren davon auch einige genervt.


Aber ist schon eine gute Ankündigung wie ich zumindest finde. War schon damals eines der interessanteren Spiele.

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb Limality:

was ist das denn bitte :circle: 


Ein unfassbar tolles, unfassbar kreatives Rätselspiel, bei dem man - vereinfacht gesagt - mittels eigenen Lösungswegen verschiedene alchemistische Produkte herstellen muss. Es ist recht schwierig zu beschreiben, ich möchte es einfach mit Nachdruck empfehlen. 


Hier ein Test;



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Habe das Gerücht auf einigen Seiten gesehen. Das Openworldspiel des neuen Playgroundstudios soll Fable 4 sein:




As reported by WCCFTech, the alleged former Xbox game developer did not share the full details of the leak, they hinted at imminent Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 betas, a third-person Perfect Dark game developed by The Coalition and another team, four-player campaign co-op for Crackdown 3, a Forza Horizon game set in Japan, Age of Empires 4, a Halo mode with a really large number of players, something to do with Mechs (possibly Mechwarrior? I don’t know) … and a project set in “Albion” with codename “Wisdom” from a UK team.

Was daran dran ist wird sich zeigen.

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Ich hab's geahnt und es ist nun eingetreten:





Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered Announced for PS4 and Xbox One



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Ubisoft Unveils Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered, Hitting Shelves March 20th

Today, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered will be available on March 20th, 2018, for PlayStation 4 Pro and Playstation 4 computer entertainment systems, and across the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X. Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered will include all of the downloadable content from the original game: two bonus missions (The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest and The Siege of Fort de Sable), as well as the Master Templar and Explorer packs, which contain weapons, customisation items and special outfits, including Bayek’s legacy outfit from Assassin’s Creed Origins.

Created by Ubisoft Sofia, the studio that developed the original Assassin’s Creed Rogue, this remaster further enriches the franchise’s current-gen catalogue, and the game will shine in 4K on PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X (and run 1080p on PS4™ and Xbox One). Thanks to the higher resolution, improved environment rendering, visual effects and textures, Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered will offer an even more beautiful and immersive gaming experience that invites fans of the series and new players alike to discover, or rediscover, Shay’s adventures in 18th century North America.
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Initially launched on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2014, Assassin’s Creed Rogue tells the unique story of Shay Patrick Cormac, a fearless young member of the Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, who undergoes a dark transformation from an Assassin to a grim and committed Templar who hunts down his former brothers. Players’ journeys will take them from beautiful New York City to the Wild River Valley and icy cold waters of the North Atlantic.

Assassin’s Creed is an action-adventure series set in fully realised open world environments throughout notable times in history, such as the Third Crusade, the Golden Age of Pirates and the Industrial Revolution. Initially launched in 2007, the Assassin’s Creed franchise has since transcended video games to offer new and immersive experiences in comic books, mobile games, novels and even movies. Recognised for having some of the richest, most engrossing storytelling in the industry, Assassin's Creed games have sold more than 105 million units worldwide, and the franchise is now established as one of the best-selling series ever.

For more information on Assassin’s Creed, visit assassinscreed.com. For the latest on all of Ubisoft’s games, visit Ubisoft News.




Ich denke, wenn der Preis stimmt, werde ich mir dieses glaube ich ziemlich gelungene AC wohl noch gönnen. Jetzt fehlt eigentlich nur noch ein aufpoliertes AC 1 :ugly:

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